Core laboratories

VCU is pleased to support a number of core laboratories that facilitate a wide variety of research in the arts and the biomedical, life, physical and social sciences.

Some of these core laboratories are institutional, while others are associated with specific schools, programs or departments. However, all are available to VCU researchers, typically on a fee-for-service basis. Access to core laboratories is also possible, on a more limited basis, for outside academic and commercial users.

Bioimaging and Applied Research Core
BARC fosters and facilitates multidisciplinary molecular imaging and nanotechnology research using advanced...

Frank Corwin, Ph.D.
(804) 828-3457
Cancer Mouse Models Core
The CMMC provides expertise and services that facilitate preclinical mouse models to support the development of novel cancer therapeutics...

Jennifer Koblinski, Ph.D.
(804) 827-0738
Cohort and Registry Administration Core
The VCU CARA Core supports population science cohorts and registries to gain a better...

Bernard F. Fuemmeler, Ph.D., MPH   (804) 828-8892
Elizabeth C. Prom-Wormley, Ph.D., MPH   (804) 828-8154
Flow Cytometry Core
We provide services related to cell sorting and analysis, including routine fluorescence, spectral, and image cytometry...

Rebecca Martin, Ph.D.
(804) 828-4721
Genomics Core
The VCU Genomics Core provides state-of-the-art lab-technical genomic services and analysis...

Gregory Buck, Ph.D.
(804) 828-2318
Brien Riley, Ph.D.
(804) 828-8083
High Performance Research Computing Core
HPRC provides the VCU Community with the high performance computing resources for research, teaching, and outreach...

Preetam Ghosh, Ph.D.
(804) 827-3995
Interim faculty director
Lipidomics/Metabolomics Core
VLMC is a focal point for the development of a sustainable critical mass of expertise in lipid signaling and state-of-the-art analytical techniques...

L. Ashley Cowart, Ph.D.
(804) 827-7910
Microscopy Core
Microscopy Core provides researchers with the equipment and expertise to examine subcellular details at high resolution by both light...

Tytus Bernas, Ph.D.
(804) 828-0949
Nanomaterials Characterization Core
NCC offers technologies that benefit multi-disciplinary industrial and scholarly research in a broad range of sciences to modify...

Massimo Bertino, Ph.D.
(804) 828-6343
Structural Biology Core
Structural Biology encompasses X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM, and NMR...

Martin Safo, Ph.D.
(804) 828-7291
Montserrat Samso, Ph.D.
(804) 828-8728
Tissue and Data Acquisition and Analysis Core
TDAAC provides high-quality controlled human tissue samples and customized...

Michael Idowu, M.P.H., M.D.
(804) 828-9739
Jennifer Koblinski, Ph.D.
(804) 827-0738
Transgenic/Knock-out Mouse Core
Genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) have become indispensable tools in nearly all fields of biomedical research...

Jolene Windle, Ph.D.
(804) 828-5843

Affiliated laboratories

Accessing research resources at other Virginia research institutions and the Hunter McGuire VA Medical Center

VCU has entered into a reciprocal resource-sharing agreement with several other Virginia research universities and the Hunter McGuire VA Medical Center. 


Adherence to the NIH Public Access Policy including assignment of PubMed Central (PMC) ID numbers is mandatory for those publications utilizing Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center affiliated shared resource cores and is strongly recommended for all other publications making use of VCU Core laboratories 


Core laboratories

MCCPlease cite usage by including the following language, “(service provided) was performed at the VCU (fill in a laboratory) core laboratory, which is supported, in part, by funding from the NIH-NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA016059).”


Cancer Mouse Models Core Laboratory
Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory
Lipidomics and Metabolomics Core Laboratory
Microscopy Core Laboratory
Structural Biology Core Laboratory
Tissue and Data Acquisition and Analysis Core
Transgenic/Knockout Mouse Core Laboratory

NCC: Please cite usage by including the following language, “Nanomaterials characterization was performed at the VCU Nanomaterials Characterization Core Laboratory, which is supported, in part, with funding from the NSF.”

Nanomaterials Characterization Core Laboratory

CTSA: Please cite CRS usage by indicating, "Core laboratory services were provided by the VCU Clinical Research Services Core Laboratory, which is supported, in part, with funding from the NIH-NCATS (UL1TR002469)."

Clinical Research Unit


Suggested grant language

Refer to each of the core labs above for boilerplate language suitable for direct inclusion in your grant applications. Researchers are encouraged to contact individual core directors prior to inclusion of VCU cores on a grant application, especially if a large volume of work is contemplated. In some cases it may be appropriate to consider a component of salary support. Again, please seek guidance by contacting individual core directors.