Human Research Protection Program/Institutional Review Board

Full Acreditation AAHRPP SealAt the OVPRI Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), our mission is to protect human subjects' rights, welfare, and safety through supporting scientifically sound research, minimizing potential risks to participants, and conveying clear information to participants and their communities on the risks and benefits of research.

The OVPRI Human Research Protection Program provides guidance and resources for researchers and IRB members at Virginia Commonwealth University. We review all research involving human participants to facilitate the conduct of ethical research and ensure compliance with federal, state and institutional regulations. 

How do I know if I need IRB review?
Activities requiring IRB review
How do I get started?
Get started with the IRB review process
What policies do I need to follow?
HRPP Toolkit

Don't submit until you're ready. There are several ancillary reviews and processes that are required for different kinds of research that should take place before the IRB review. Use the Human research quick start guide* to develop a personalized list of ancillary requirements for your research.

*The human research quick start guide is a REDCap-based tool. Users make selections in the tool to describe aspects of their project, and the tool will generate a list of links, suggestions, and contacts to help get a research project off the ground and ready for IRB review! This list can be saved as a PDF and referenced again later.

Submit to the IRB


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